Congratulations – Felicidades – Félicitations


Dear Ramiro:

This is to express my appreciation to you the chair and the members of the electoral committee for diligently conducting the HIC Presidential election. I thank the HIC members who cast votes and for the good turn out. I congratulate Lorena Zarate for winning the election! I trust the incoming President will lead HIC to greater heights.

My best regards.

Davinder Lamba
outgoing HIC President


On behalf of the board, staff and members of Women Environmental Programme (WEP), Nigeria, we heartly congratulate the new HIC President Lorena and wish her all the best in her tenure as President.

Best regards,

Priscilla M Achakpa
Women Environmental Programme
Abuja, Nigeria


Dear Davinder,

Thanks a lot for your input and tireless efforts as past HIC Chairperson.

Knowing you from way back in the 1980s as an active and loyal HIC partner, I am quite sure we can count on your continued support now that Lorena has taken over the Chair.

I hope our paths will cross again some day to catch up on things since Vancouver where we met in 2006.

Best regards
Peter Slits
HIC representative


Your election as HIC President is great news!

Dear Lorena,

Your election as HIC President is great news!

We have long recognized and valued your commitment. This is why we firmly believe that this new path you are taking can only strengthen dialogue and collaboration between all the networks, so that they can work together, each according to their specific approaches, roots and social constituents, to make the right to housing and the city the firm foundations of the process to build another possible world, free of borders.

Ciao in solidarity,



Dear Lorena
congratulations…….I think we are entering a new phase in HIC life towards progess and sharing activites
you inherited the good history of great work of the past presidents.and actions of struggle of HIC members……….
wish you best and I am sure that HIC will get your spirit of enthusiasm of latin America
it has to be mentioned the wisdom of leadership of Mr. David and his input for the sake of HIC and its unity
issa samandar


Thanks and congratulations,

I would like to thank the Electoral Committee for their great effort to make the election a successful experience for all of us.

I would like to thank Davinder for his important contribution to HIC through his presidency period.

I would like to congratulate our new president for the trust of the majority of our members. I wish you all the luck to handle lots of issues ahead.

Thank you all members for your contribution and support.
in solidarity,

Khalid Khawaldeh
Dana and Qadisiyha Local Community Cooperative,
Dana, Tafila, Jordan


Dear Lorena Zárate – the new HIC President, congratulation.

We hope you good luck with your journey with HIC.

Good luck

Yahia Khawaldeh
Dana and Qadisiyha Local Community Cooperative,
Dana, Tafila, Jordan


Dear HIC Secretariat,

Congratulation to Lorena Zárate who has been elected as HIC new President.
We do hope to have opportunity to work together very closely in future.
There are so much work to be done for the poor who needs basic housing rights and to make better city development by the active involvement of communities and civil society. However there is a great need for a much broader and proactive and more creative process by a more active HIC to be able to make change in our world today. So it is now the turn of woman to make this change.

Somsook Boonyabancha
Asian Coalition for Housing Rights


Dear All

Congratulations for a job well done. I have learnt much through this experience and am sure this work together has helped us think together as a close knit family, we may differ in our views but our vision remains the same.

Thank you Ramiro and GS team for getting us all to work together.

Davinder has been a light house for may of us. The coalition respects him and all the contributors that have led the thought process within us. I look forwarded to the guided transition for us to learn from the younger leadership.


Shivani (Bardhwaj)
(Sathi All for Partnership – India)


All Dear HIC Friends and Builders of a Better World,

Great appreciation to Ramiro and all the GC Team for your excellent work in successfully completing our HIC International President Election process. Your detailed report of your work most valuable.


Lorena Zarate on your election as HIC International President.

We have long respected and admired your ideas, plans and actions you have brought forward to HIC over the years I have been working with you at HIC. Your creativity and imagination guiding and working together with all of us will build HIC and a better world.

Davinder, your leadership, inspiration and hard work has been great inspiration to many of us in HIC, and the numerous groups you have brought your wisdom to around our world. Our major thank you for you wonderful years of service.

As always, our HIC GS and GS team have always been reliable and strong support, and were with this electoral process, and always will be.

An excellent UN World Habitat Day to all.

Working together to build a better world – for all,

Nick (Volk)
(North America Representative at the HIC Board)


Dear Ramiro

Thank you for all these details of the whole electoral process done by the HIC-EC, of which mostly done by you, so i salute!

I would like to congratulate the newly elected HIC President, Ms. Lorena Z, and also i would like say thank you so very much, sir, Mr. Davinder Lamba for your huge contribution to HIC as a former President of it.

I would like to thank the HIC-GS secretariat for their nice support and cooperation’s.

We look forward to a better future.

Lorena, Congrats!

(Abu Rayan) Al-Beeroonee
(Shelter for the Poor – Bangladesh)


Congratulations to all, especially to Lorena. And thank you to Davinder.

Anita Beaty
(North America Alternate at the HIC Board)


Dear Members of the Electoral Committee,

Thank you for informing me about the election of Lorena Zárate as Chairwoman (President) of HIC.
I am glad that the laborious and time consuming election process has resulted in electing a woman in the chair, which if I am not mistaken is the first time ever in HIC’s history.
This together with other challenges ahead will be a heavy responsibility and require the support of all of us.
After quite some effort has gone into this democratic election process, the HIC network under her guidance is now ready to face the many challenges of guiding and directing the Council’s policies and programmes.
I wish you all every success and energy in achieving HIC’s goals in collaboration with likeminded partner and organisations.

With best regards
Peter Slits
HIC Representative in the Netherlands


Dear my colleague in HIC

Dear Lorena Zárate – the new HIC President, congratulation. We hope you good luck with your journey with HIC.
Good luck

Best regards
Exp. Eng. Saadia F. Hassoon
Together to Protect Human & the Environment Association (Together – Irak)


Dear Lorena,

Based on the message from the Electoral Committee the other day, I want to congratulate you on being elected as Chairwoman of HIC.
And, if I am not wrong, this is the first time HIC has a woman in the Chair, which adds to your merit as well as the responsibility of such a position.
It will not be an easy task to guide and direct the HIC network in times of globalization with the limited means you have on board.
I trust that with the support and dedication of the Secretariat on the one hand and the regional and thematic networks on the other, you will be able to contribute to improving housing and living conditions of those that need it most.
I wish you all the support and energy you need in your new role and hope you will find motivation and satisfaction in HIC’s operations and achievements.
I will follow developments at a distance and look forward to an opportunity to meet you in person.

With best regards
Peter Slits
HIC Representative
The Netherlands


Estimado Ramiro:

Esta nota es para expresar mis agradecimientos a ti como Coordinador y al resto de los miembros del comité electoral por conducir de manera diligente y aplicada las elecciones para Presidente/a de HIC. Le doy las gracias a los miembros de HIC que votaron y por el gran número de votos recibidos. Felicito a Lorena Zárate por ganar las elecciones! Confio que la Presidenta electa llevará a HIC a muchos éxitos más.

Mis más cordiales saludos,

Davinder Lamba
Presidente saliente de HIC


Querida Lorena,
Acabo de leer el correo donde avisan de tu confirmacion como presidenta del HIC; FELICIDADES!!  Me da mucho guisto y espero que podamos seguir en comunicacion y de ser posible colaborando.
Con este correo te envio mi nuevo correo electronico y mis nuevos dato en Nueva York, donde me encuentro desde el mes de mayo.

Un fuerte abrazo
Cecilia Martinez

New York Office


Querida Lorena

Muchas felicitaciones en nombre de todas las colegas de la Red Mujer y Habitat (LAC) por el nuevo rol que debes asumir como presidenta de HIC. Cuenta con todo nuestro apoyo para continuar fortaleciendo el trabajo con el cual estamos comprometidas.


Liliana Rainero
Centro de Intercambio y Servicios para el Cono Sur Argentina
Coordinación Red Mujer y Hábitat de América Latina


Querida Lorena:

Felicidades, no será fácil pero sabemos que pondrás todas tus energías, militancia y compromiso para fortalecer a nuestra coalición “como una red global de acción local” que nutre y se nutre de todos los esfuerzos , logros , desafíos , esperanzas de sus miembros , de su estructura regional y temática. Sin embargo, el logro de tu gestión depende del liderazgo democrático, equilibrado, equitativo e incluyente que seas capaz de imprimir para despertar a los/as que están aun incrédulos por tu juventud y por ser mujer, que pueden marcar algunas diferencias ventajosas a tu gestión.

Aprovecho para agradecer al Comité Electoral por su trabajo, en especial a Ramiro, por haber llevado un proceso exitoso, a Davinder por su gestión como presidente , esperando que al igual de toda la membrecía pueda contribuir a una nueva fase del HIC , teniéndote de presidenta.

Manos a la obra, te acompañaremos en la lucha y la esperanza.

Anelise (Meléndez)
(FUNDAPROVI – Bolivia)


Querida Lorena,
Esta vez oficialmente te deseo lo mejor para tu gestión con un fuerte abrazo.

Susana (FVC- Argentina)


Querida Lorena

Recibe a nombre de Cenca, del mío propio y de todos los compañeros del Perú nuestras más sinceras felicitaciones por la nueva responsbilidad que asumes. Ten la plena seguridad que haremos todo lo que esté a nuestro alcance para el éxito de tu gestión

Paul (Makedonski)
(CENCA – Peru)


Felicitaciones, Lorena, estamos en buenas manos,

Leonardo (Pessina)
(CAAP Brasil)



Muchas felicidades, éxitos muchos a nuestra querida Presidenta del HIC. Lorena, estaremos muy bien representados y contentos de que otra vez el cargo-carga esté por este continente.

Saludos cordiales,
Guillermo (Bazoberry)
(RENASEH – Bolivia)

Bonsoir chers amis de la HIC,

Mieux vaut tard que jamais. Je m’excuse beaucoup de retard dans les correspondances. Depuis un certain j’étais en dehors de Bamako dans le cadre des activités de formations et sensibilisation des populations dans les cercles de Tombouctou et dans la ville de Gaoè ou je n’avais pas accès au net.

Je joins ma voix à  celles des autres pour féliciter Lorena de sa brillante élection au poste de la presidence de la HIC. Je lui souhaite courage. Que dieu lui donne la santé pour pouvoir mener les activités.

Par ailleurs, je remercie et félicite le comité çelectoral pour l’execution de cette tâche.

Koro (Théra)

(COFEPE – Mali)


Chers membres du Comité Electoral

Je vous contacte pour vous remercier de l’information et de la transparence des procédures de vote.
Je vous félicite pour la réussite du processus et félicite la présidente.Lorena Zàrate pour ce nouveau poste et lui souhaite un mandat plein de succès et de bonheur.

Khadijetou Mohamed El Mamy
Membre du HIC en Mauritanie
Présidente de l’ONG AMBSEM

Chère Lorena,

Au nom du CIAH-Cameroun, reçois toutes mes félicitations pour ton élection à la présidence de HIC.
Tu peux d’ores et déjà compter sur notre soutien indéfectible pour la bonne marche de ton mandat.


Joseph Fumtim


Chers collègues et Membres de HIC,

Nous venons par la présente, feliciter notre soeur Lorena pour son élection à la tête de HIC comme Présidente.
Nous lui souhaitons plein suuccès dans l’immense tâche qui l’attend.
Nous adressons tous nos remerciements au Comité Electoral pour son bon travail de volontariat abattu.

Pema (Koivogui)
(Acteurs pour Habitat – Guinée)


Toutes mes félicitations Lorena et du courage pour tes nouvelles tâches.

Un grand hommage mérité à Davinder pour tout le travail qu’il a fait.

Gambo Ahmed
(CDR) Niamey – Niger
Représentant pour l’Afrique Francophone auprès du Conseil de HIC

Que belle nouvelle ton élection à Présidente de HIC !

Chère Lorena,

que belle nouvelle ton élection à Présidente de HIC !

Depuis longtemps nous connaissons et apprécions ton engagement. Pour ces raisons sommes convaincus que ce nouvel horizon dans lequel s’inscrit ton futur, ne pourra que renforcer le dialogue et la collaboration parmi tous le réseaux, pour conquérir ensemble, chacun selon ses propres caractéristiques, enracinement et base sociale, le droit au logement et à la ville comme piliers dans la construction d’un autre monde possible, sans frontières.

Ciao en solidarité

Cesare (Ottolini)

Chère Lorena

Reçoit au nom de CENCA du mien et de tous les compagnons du Pérou nos sincères félicitations pour ta nouvelle responsabilité. Soit sûre que nous ferons tout en notre pouvoir pour la réussite de ta gestion

Paul (Makedonski)
(CENCA – Pérou)

Toutes mes félicitations à Lorena et bon courage pour ses nouvelles tâches.
Un grand hommage à Davinder pour tout le travail qu’il a fait durant ces années

Rajaa Kassab
(Right to Water Forum in Arab Region – Maroc)

Chers collègues de HIC,

Félicitation à Lorena pour ta nouvelle position de Président de HIC. Je te souhaite un grand succès pour ta nouvelle mission.

Quant à Davinder, je te dis un grand merci, ainsi que ma reconnaissance de nous avoir très bien servi.

Très cordialement à tous.
Malick Gaye
(ENDA RUP – Sénégal)


Félicitations au comité électoral pour tout ce travail abattu et toutes nos félicitations a notre nouvelle présidente et du courage au président sortant.

Moussa Ka
(Habitants et Travailleurs Baraka – Sénégal)


Que gran noticia tu elección como Presidenta de HIC !

Querida Lorena:

Que grande noticia sua eleição como Presidenta da HIC !

Ha muito tempo conhecemos e apreciamos teu compromisso. Por isso, estamos convencidos que um novo horizonte se abre para o futuro, fortalecendo o dialogo e a colaboración entre todas as redes para lograr juntos, cada uno según sus objectivos propios, características y arraigo con a base social, o direito a moradia e a cidade como pilares en la construcción de otro mundo posible, sin fronteiras.

Ciao em solidariedade

Cesare (Ottolini)


Cara Lorena

Com muita alegria recebemos esta noticia.
Vamos divulgar para todos/as os/as parceiros/as no Brasil. Conte conosco para este novo desafio.

Um grande abraço!!
Dito (Barbosa)
(UMM Sao Paulo – Brasil)
(Representante al Consejo de HIC por América Latina)


Che bella notizia la tua elezione a Presidentessa di HIC !

Cara Lorena:

Che bella notizia la tua elezione a Presidentessa di HIC !

Da molto tempo conosciamo e apprezziamo il tuo impegno. Perciò siamo convinti che il nuovo orizzonte nel quale si iscrive il tuo futuro non potrà che rafforzare il dialogo e la collaborazione tra tutte le reti, per conquistare assieme, ciascuno com le proprie caratteristiche, radicamento e base sociale, il diritto alla casa e alla città come pilastri nella costruzione di un altro mondo possibile, senza frontiere.

Ciao in solidarietà

Cesare (Ottolini)

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